I'm often asked what the "best" market for a new freelancer
to pitch is, or whether I'd recommend certain markets for a writer who's just
getting started. Well, there is such a market, but it is dependent on who you
are and what your experience and background are.
In short, the best
market (or markets) for a new freelancer is you can write for more than
Here's what I
mean--there are two basic ways to go about pitching an idea. One is to
come up with an idea first, and then try to find a potential market for it.
That’s what I used to recommend for new writers. The second method is to
find a market that you want to write for, and then come up with potential ideas
for it.
Today, I suggest that
writers use the second method. Here’s why.
Marketing, especially when you’re a new freelancer, takes a huge amount of
time. If you can find a market that you can write for multiple times, you cut
your marketing time. It’s much easier to sell an idea to an editor you’ve worked with before than to
someone completely new.
I learned this lesson
the hard way. I was so focused on coming up with saleable ideas as a new
freelancer that I wound up doing a lot of “one-shots,” where I would write about one
subject for one market and then move on. So, I wrote one story on a charity car
show for The Lion magazine, and then moved on. I wrote a profile for a
magazine called Accent on Living, and moved on. I wrote a story for Editor
& Publisher, and moved on. I sold a piece to a (now defunct) health
website…and moved on.
You’re getting the
idea, right? Each of those stories took a lot of time to pitch, plus I had to
research and write them afterwards. By never writing for those markets again, I
wasted my time.
My career took off
when I started to focus on markets that reflected more of my interests. For example,
when I started freelancing fulltime, I was planning my wedding. Then, and as a
newlywed, I had lots of bridal-related ideas. Well, I didn’t write just one
story for Bridal Guide. Because I came up with more ideas, I got more
assignments. And then my editor started approaching me to assign ideas she’d
come up with for me.
When I sold a piece to
For the Bride, another national market, the same thing happened. Yes, I
was still pitching, but now I was a known entity to my editor, and she
responded more quickly than she would have to a complete stranger—and also
reached out to assign ideas she had come up with to me.
So forget about selling one idea to one market. So
start with markets you can write for more than once, and work with the goal of
writing for that publication multiple times. That tip alone will make you
more efficient (and smarter!) from the start.
**What about
you, readers? Did you look for markets you could write for more than once as a
new freelancer? Or, like me, did you look for an idea first, and then locate an
appropriate market for it?
For more advice about freelancing, check out my latest book, Writer for Hire: 101 Secrets to Freelance Success.
And if you're a new freelancer, stay tuned--I'm going to announce THE book that
will take you from unpublished to published and paid!